config->config; $this->session_data = $this->layout_data['session_data'] = $this->session->userdata('logged_in'); $this->user_data = $this->session->userdata("logged_in"); $this->chk_currency() ; $config['js_config']['ci_class'] = $config['ci_class'] = $this->router->class; $config['js_config']['ci_method'] = $config['ci_method'] = $this->router->method; $config['js_config']['ci_index_page'] = $config['ci_index_page'] = $config['ci_class'] ."_". $config['ci_method']; $this->layout_data['query_string'] = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; $this->layout_data['additional_tools'] = array(); if(!isset( $this->dt_params['paginate'] )) $this->dt_params['paginate'] = array(); $this->dt_params['paginate']['class'] = $config['ci_class']; $this->dt_params['paginate']['uri'] = "paginate"; $this->dt_params['paginate']['update_status_uri'] = "update_status"; $this->layout_data['template_config'] = array ( 'show_toolbar' => true , ); $config['js_config']['paginate'] = $this->dt_params['paginate']; } //public function index($dt_params = array()) public function index() { global $config; $class_name = $this->router->class; $model_name = "model_".$class_name; $model_obj = $this->$model_name ; //$pg_config['order_field'] = $model_obj->get_order_field_name(); $this->layout_data['bread_crumbs'] = array( array( "home/"=>"Home" , $class_name => humanize($class_name) ) ); $this->register_plugins( array( "jquery-ui", "bootstrap", "bootstrap-hover-dropdown", "jquery-slimscroll", "uniform", "bootstrap-switch", "bootstrap-datepicker", "boots", "font-awesome", "simple-line-icons" , "select2", "datatables", "bootbox", "bootstrap-toastr", )); $this->add_script("pages/tasks.css"); $this->add_script(array("table-ajax.js" , "datatable.js") , "js"); $data['page_title_min'] = "Management"; $data['page_title'] = $class_name; $data['class_name'] = $class_name; $data['model_name'] = $model_name; $data['model_obj'] = $model_obj; $data['model_fields'] = $model_obj->get_fields(); $data['dt_params'] = $this->dt_params ; $data['model'] = "$model_name"; $this->before_index_render($data); $this->load_view("datatable" , $data ); } public function paginate($dt_params = array()) { global $config; $params = array(); $pg_request = $_POST; $class_name = $this->router->class; $model_name = "model_".$class_name; $model_obj = $this->$model_name ; $params = $model_obj->pagination_params; if(!isset($params['order'])){ $sort_col = $pg_request['order'][0]['column'] ; if($sort_col!==null) { $sort_type = $pg_request['order'][0]['dir'] ; $params['order'] = $sort_col ." ".$sort_type; } } $length = intval($pg_request['length']); $model_obj->_per_page = $length ? $length : $model_obj->_per_page; $records = $model_obj->pagination_query($params); // $dt_params['order_field'] = $model_obj->get_order_field_name(); if(is_array($records['data'])) $data = $this->prepare_datatable($records['data']); $dt_record = array(); $dt_record["data"] = $data; $dt_record["draw"] = $pg_request["draw"]; $dt_record["recordsTotal"] = $records["count"]; $dt_record["recordsFiltered"] = $records["count"]; echo json_encode($dt_record); exit(); } public function get_mysqli() { $db = (array)get_instance()->db; return mysqli_connect('localhost', $db['username'], $db['password'], $db['database']); } public function prepare_datatable($record,$dt_params=array()) { global $config; $class = $this->router->class ; $model_name = "model_".$class; $model_obj = $this->$model_name ; $model_fields = $model_obj->get_fields(); $model_pk = $model_obj->get_pk(); if(!array_filled($dt_params)) $dt_params = $this->dt_params; // If Record is an array. - Avoid annoying foreach warnings if(is_array($record)) { $dt_row = array(); // Start Record Parsing .... Watt foreach ($record as $row_key => $row) { $table_data = array(); $dt_row[ $row_key ] = array() ; $field_key = 0 ; // Prepare Data Fields foreach ($row as $field => $value) { // Dont need to show ordering field in DT /*if(!trim($field) || $field==$model_obj->get_order_field_name) continue;*/ $value = mysqli_real_escape_string($this->get_mysqli(),$value); $field_attr = $model_fields[ $field ]; $field_type = (isset($field_attr['type_dt'])) ? $field_attr['type_dt'] : $field_attr['type'] ; // IF Field is PK, generate checkbox for MULTIPLE ROW SELECTION if($model_pk == $field) { // Do PK related types $itemId = intval($value) ; $dt_row[ $row_key ][ $field_key ] = '' ; $field_key++ ; } switch( $field_type ) { case 'text': case 'textarea': case 'label': case 'label_custom': case 'editor': $value = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($value)); $value = truncate($value,256); # code... break; case 'image': $image_url = $value ? $config['base_url'].$value : $config['image_not_found'] ; $value = '' ; break; case 'switch': $list_data = (isset($field_attr['list_data']))?$field_attr['list_data']:array(); if(!array_filled($list_data)) { $list_data = array( STATUS_ACTIVE => "Active" , STATUS_INACTIVE => "Inactive" , ) ; } $value = $list_data[$value] ; break; case 'dropdown': $list_data = $field_attr['list_data']; if(!array_filled($list_data)) { $list_data_key = (isset($field_attr['list_data_key'])) ? $field_attr['list_data_key'] : $field ; $list_data = $this->_list_data[$list_data_key]; } $value = $list_data[$value] ; break; case 'hidden': continue; break; } $dt_row[ $row_key ][ $field_key ] = $value ; $field_key++ ; } // End - Data Fields Prep $delete_button =""; $edit_button =""; $order_field =""; // DELETE Button if((isset($dt_params['action']['show_delete'])) && ($dt_params['action']['show_delete'])) $delete_button = ''; // EDIT Button if((isset($dt_params['action']['show_edit'])) && ($dt_params['action']['show_edit'])) $edit_button = ''; // ORDER FIELD- HIDDEN if((isset($dt_params['action']['order_field'])) && ($dt_params['action']['order_field'])) //$order_field = ''; $order_field = ''; // VIEW BUTTON if((isset($dt_params['action']['show_view'])) && ($dt_params['action']['show_view'])) $edit_button = ''; $extra_buttons = '' ; // If Controller Has EXTRA BUTTONS defined , render them as well. if(array_filled($dt_params['action']['extra'])) { foreach ($dt_params['action']['extra'] as $btn) { $extra_buttons .= sprintf($btn,$itemId) ; } } // End - IF extra_buttons if(!$dt_params['action']['hide']) $dt_row[ $row_key ][ $field_key ] = $edit_button . $delete_button . $extra_buttons . $order_field ; } // End Record Parsing... } // End if - Record is array return $dt_row; } public function configure_add_page() { $this->add_script(array( "jquery.validate.min.js") , "js" ); $this->register_plugins(array( "jquery-ui", "bootstrap", "bootstrap-hover-dropdown", "jquery-slimscroll", "uniform", "boots", "font-awesome", "simple-line-icons" , "select2", "bootbox", "bootstrap-toastr", )); # code... } public function add($id=0 , $data = array()) { if($_POST) { //debug($_POST); //debug($id);exit; } global $config; $id = intval($id); $this->configure_add_page(); $class_name = $this->router->class; $model_name = 'model_'.$class_name ; $model_obj = $this->$model_name ; $form_fields = $model_obj->get_fields(); // Prepare models used in this action $model_array = array(); //$model_array = $this->_extra_models_add; $model_array[] = $model_name; $this->_validation_models_add[] = $model_name; $pk = $model_obj->get_pk() ; if($id) { $params['where'][$pk] = $id; $this->form_data[$class_name] = $this->$model_name->find_one($params); // Load relation fields data $this->form_data['relation_data'] = $this->$model_name->get_relation_data($id); if(count($this->form_data[$class_name])==0) { redirect($this->admin_path."?msgtype=error&msg=404+-+Record+not+found.", 'refresh'); exit(); } } //$pg_config['order_field'] = $model_obj->get_order_field_name(); $this->layout_data['bread_crumbs'] = array( array( "home/"=>"Home" , $class_name => humanize($class_name), $class_name."/add/" => "Add ".humanize($class_name), ) ); $user_data = $this->input->post(NULL, true); $data['form_data'] = (isset($this->form_data))?$this->form_data:array(); $data['user_input'] = (isset($user_data['login']))?$user_data['login']:array(); if($_POST) { //debug($_POST); //debug($id);exit; //debug($_POST,1); if( $this->bulk_validate($this->_validation_models_add) ) { // Validation Successful $user_data = $_POST[$class_name] ; // Merge FILES field with POST DATA if( (isset($user_data)) && (is_array($user_data)) && (isset($_FILES[$class_name]['name']))) $user_data = $user_data + $_FILES[$class_name]['name'] ; $this->$model_name->set_attributes($user_data); $insertId = $this->$model_name->save(); if($insertId) { $this->$model_name->update_relations($insertId); $this->afterSave($insertId , $this->$model_name); // Prevent Return From Parent Add Method(current), // since we need to perform operations in Child Class's Method if($this->prevent_return_on_success) return $insertId; $this->add_redirect_success($insertId); } else { redirect($this->admin_path."?msgtype=error&msg=Couldnt Save Data.", 'refresh'); exit(); } } else { $data['error'] = validation_errors(); } } $data['page_title_min'] = "Management"; $data['page_title'] = $class_name; $data['class_name'] = $class_name; $data['model_name'] = $model_name; $data['model_obj'] = $model_obj; $data['form_fields'][$class_name] = $form_fields; $data['dt_params'] = $this->dt_params ; $data['id'] = $id; $this->before_add_render($data); $this->load_view("_form", $data); } public function afterSave($insertId , $model) { return true ; } public function ajax_view($id=0) { echo json_encode($this->get_view($id)) ; } public function get_view($id=0) { global $config; $result = array(); $class_name = $this->router->class; $model_name = 'model_'.$class_name ; $model_obj = $this->$model_name ; $form_fields = $model_obj->get_fields(); if($id) { $result['record'] = $this->$model_name->find_by_pk($id); $result['record'] = $this->$model_name->prepare_view_data($result['record']); if(!$result['record'] ) $result['failure'] = "No Item Found"; // Load relation fields data $relation_data = $this->$model_name->get_relation_data($id); if(array_filled($relation_data)) $result['record']['relation_data'] = $relation_data; } else { $result['failure'] = "No Item Found"; } return $result; } public function add_redirect_success($id) { switch($_POST['submit']) { case "SaveNEdit": $path = $this->admin_current.$id; break; case "SaveNNew": $path = $this->admin_current; break; default: $path = $this->admin_path; break; } redirect($path."?msgtype=success&msg=Record updated successfully.", 'refresh'); return $id; } /* * Default Action to Bulk Delete from admin */ public function delete_selected() { $id_array = explode(",", rtrim($_POST['params']['pk'],",")); foreach ($id_array as $id) { $_POST['params']['pk'] = intval($id); if(intval($id)) $this->delete(); } } // BeforeRender Hook to manipulate Overrides... for Add Method public function before_add_render(&$data) { // To access from Child Class return true; } // BeforeRender Hook to manipulate Overrides... for INdex Method public function before_index_render(&$data) { // To access from Child Class return true; } /* * Default Action to Delete */ public function delete() { $id = intval($_POST['params']['pk']); if($id){ $model = $_POST['params']['model']; $model_obj = $this->{$model}; $pk = $model_obj->get_pk(); $status_field = $model_obj->get_status_field(); $data[$status_field] = 2; if($this->router->class==$model){ $this->db->where($pk, $id); $update = $this->db->update($model,$data); if($update==true) echo "1"; } } } /* * Default Action to Delete Permanently */ public function permanent_delete() { $id = intval($_POST['params']['pk']); if($id){ $class_name = $this->router->class; $model_name = 'model_'.$class_name ; $model_obj = $this->$model_name ; return $model_obj->delete_by_pk($id); } } /* * Default Action to Update Record * Mostly to update Status */ public function update_status() { extract($_POST); if( array_filled($idList) && $model ){ $updateVal = intval($updateVal); $model_obj = $this->{$model}; $status_field = $model_obj->get_status_field(); $pk = $model_obj->get_pk(); if($status_field && $pk) { $record[$status_field] = $updateVal; $params['where_in'][$pk] = $idList; $ret['affected'] = $model_obj->update_model($params, $record) ; end_script( json_encode($ret) ); } } } /* * Default Action to Update Record * Mostly to update Status */ public function update() { if(is_array($_POST['params']) && count($_POST['params'])){ $model = $_POST['params']['model']; $pk = $_POST['params']['pk']; $val = $_POST['params']['val']==0?1:0; $field = $_POST['params']['field']; $data[$field] = $val; if($this->router->class==$model){ $this->db->where($pk , $pk); $update = $this->db->update($model,$data); if($update==true)echo 1; else echo 0; } } } /* * Default Action to Reorder Objects. Requre DnD plugin in datatables */ public function reorder() { global $config; extract($_POST); $this->load->model(array($model)); $effected = $this->$model->reorder_records($_POST) ; echo $effected; exit(); } /* * Parse Records for Excel * $record MUST HAVE key : $records['data'], that hold record */ public function parse_for_excel($records=array()) { $data = $records['data']; if(array_filled($data)) { if($data[0]) { foreach ($data[0] as $heads => $value) { $records['headers'][] = $heads; } } } $records['heading'] = $records['heading'] ? $records['heading'] : $this->router->class; return $records; } /* * Default Admin Action to Export files to Excel * Export to Excel */ public function export_excel($params = array()) { $model_name = "model_".$this->router->class; $this->load->model($model_name); $model_obj = $this->$model_name ; $model_obj->pagination_params ['limit'] = 1000000000; // Merge $params with child params $params += $model_obj->pagination_params ; $records = $model_obj->pagination_query($params); $data['records'] = $this->parse_for_excel($records); $data['filename'] = $this->router->class; $this->load_view("excel_export" , $data , false, false); } } ?>